False Gods of the New World Order

False Gods of the New World Order

Michael Matt

3 years

The Children of Winter: Watch & Share https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LC3Rzhly0M&feature=youtu.beIn this Edition of The Editor's Desk, Michael J. Matt Covers the Following: - The Death of Rush Limbaugh: Was Rush a racist?- Cow Farts Kill: Bill Gates to eradicate beef- How many vaccination shots per year? Bill Gates breaks it down- COVID Ash Wednesday: Smudging vs. Sprinkling- $3 Billion: The price for closing Catholic churches - Vaxinatican: Team Francis mandates vaccination- Masking the Truth: How long will the world be masked up? - Ranking the Covid pandemic ? Klaus Schwab's reality check- Climate Change: Pope Francis' new religionSign up for our FREE E-LETTER, and let us contact you whenever a new video is posted. https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/subscribe-today/free-remnant-updates Subscribe to The Remnant Newspaper: https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/subscribe-today

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