DUTY & HONOR: Clans of the World, Unite!

DUTY & HONOR: Clans of the World, Unite!

Michael Matt

1 year

Michael Matt on the road, this time in Virginia. Addressing faculty, students, and parents at Holy Family Academy, Michael speaks of the challenges of the coming persecution. Those who are faithful to Jesus Christ can expect to incur the wrath of the Christophobic builders of a new world order.

But, says Michael, we also have been given a great gift. What is it? Watch and see.

Plus, Michael recalls the heroes of history who faced similar challenges but went on to prevail so completely that we're still telling their stories today. It is, says Michael, an honor to be alive now and to have this historic opportunity to do something so magnificent -- if we have the grit to pull if off---that one day history may tell our story, too.

Militantly inspirational!

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