THE DEEP FAKE: Globalism’s Plan to Criminalize Free Speech

THE DEEP FAKE: Globalism’s Plan to Criminalize Free Speech

Michael Matt

8 months

EDITOR'S NOTE: I'm proud to say that YouTube has deemed the content of this video to be in "violation of our community guidelines" due to its takedown of the World Health Organization. Please help me get the word out that this coming weekend's Underground will be available here at Remnant Newspaper and Twitter (X) exclusively.  We're obviously right over the target, friends, thanks be to God. - Michael J. Matt 

Farmers of the world unite, as the global elite try to cut the food supply to save the planet. As Catholic priests take to the streets to bless the uprising, the Agenda 2030 crowd say: “You will eat bugs and be happy!”

What is the real reason the woke mob is trying to cancel Russel Brand? Is it because he and his millions of followers are right over the target?

From Barrack Obama to Bill and Hillary Clinton, to Dr. Ted, they all love Francis. Why? Because the global elites need the Catholic pope to dogmatize Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Finally, in the era of widespread clerical sexual abuse, why would Francis be out there thanking the Vatican press corps for maintaining an “abashed silence” in the face of Vatican scandal?

SPONSORED: Our Lady of Victory Home School:

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