The WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty: Global Regs for Abortion, Gun Control, Climate Change

The WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty: Global Regs for Abortion, Gun Control, Climate Change

Michael Matt

6 months

This press conference shows you what the WHO's Pandemic Preparedness Treaty is really all about – enshrining the global right to abortion on demand.

If Biden votes yes, the WHO treaty would bind us to follow orders on anything Dr. Ted can construe as a global health emergency. So, if he decides that climate change, for example, is an emergency – which he surely will! – the WHO would have the power to tell us what to eat, plant, drive, and even think in order to "keep the global community safe".

How about gun violence? That’s certainly a global health risk. So, get ready for the WHO to ban gun ownership globally.

How about sexual dysphoria? The WHO will be establishing global rules on that, too, telling doctors, teachers, and parents what they are allowed to say (and think!) about that. 

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