The Pope’s new book, “Hope, the Autobiography”, just dropped. Reports from the Vatican would have us believe it was intended for publication only after his death, but has been released to the world because our times have need of “this precious legacy.”
And what pearls of wisdom are contained in this precious legacy? Well, the one getting most media attention at the moment is the Pope’s scathing abuse of traditional Catholics…
Because more piling on the “rigid,” “backward” folks who favor the Church’s ancient rite of worship is JUST THE THING to foster unity in this quick-triggered, hate-fueled world.
Just listen to these soothing words from Pope Francis concerning the priests who vest up according to the rubrics of the Latin Rite: “These ways of dressing up sometimes conceal mental imbalance, emotional deviation, behavioral difficulties, a personal problem that may be exploited.”
Ahhhhh, such a man of mercy.
Michael Matt wonders when this can be considered dangerous hate speech and prosecuted as such.
Also in this Underground: A clarification of the “Siri Theory” trotted out by Mel Gibson on the Joe Rogan podcast—which, for the uninitiated, does NOT mean the fear that the Siri in your iPhone is listening to all your conversations… (el-oh-el, that’s not a theory, it’s a fact!)
So grab a coffee, settle in, and learn about this 60-year-old conspiracy that there’s been no valid Pope since Pius XII.
Michael concludes with a comment on sedevacantism in order to explain why he’s done talking about sedevacantism.
Sound off in the comments! We’d love to hear from you.
Robert Morrison's analysis of "Hope, the Autobiography" by Pope Francis:
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