PRO-CHOICE: Aborting the Great Reset

PRO-CHOICE: Aborting the Great Reset

Michael Matt

3 years

Michael J. Matt first takes a look at the far-Left's fascist attempt to silence political opposition. Protecting the Kids from the My Pillow Guy: You might hate his pillow, but do you really think Mike Lindell presents a clear and present danger to the common good? Who's next, the guy with the Sham Wow? Domestic Terrorists? New video of MAGA guys shouting at Capitol police for doing NOTHING as the building was breached. Nancy's not gonna like this one bit! Comic Relief: AOC whips herself up some tears, trying to explain how terrified she was of a Capitol policeman who was trying to help her. Minneapolis Crime Skyrocketing: Even though African Americans are doing most of the dying here, President Biden uses all the power of the federal government to go after the morons in the Vikings horns. Nancy's Wall: It's 12-feet high, topped with razor wire, and takes 3 hours to walk around. Is this the beginning of an American police state? Good News: A raucous good time in London as thousands partake in an anti-lockdown mandate. BETTER NEWS: More US Bishops stand against Joe "The Catholic" Biden. All this and so much more. #ToHellWithCOVID, by the way. Sign up for our FREE E-LETTER, and let us contact you whenever a new video is posted. Subscribe to The Remnant Newspaper:

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