Father Daniel Nolan of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter risks everything in order to speak Catholic truth to Globalist power. This outstanding sermon was pulled down by YouTube, of course, and we are posting it here at Remnant-TV.com on our own and with no authorization from (or request by) Father Nolan.
In addition to appealing to Tradition and infallible Church teaching, Father also quotes from the Second Vatican Council to build his case. This is particularly noteworthy, in our opinion, since so many modern churchmen from here to Rome recognize no greater authority than the ill-fated Council. Father therefore puts these prelates who are cooperating with godless Globalists at odds with God's law, the law of the Church and even the Second Vatican Council.
Well played, Father Nolan!
May God bless and protect this heroic Catholic priest, who is obviously working out his priestly vocation in the spirit of St. Edmund Campion, St. Miquel Pro, St. Maximilian Kolbe and so many priestly champions of the past who put their duty to Truth, God, and their flocks ahead of human respect.
Pray for our good priests. In many ways, the future of the world depends on what they do next.
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