SHEPHERDS in JAIL: The Last Days of Vatican II

SHEPHERDS in JAIL: The Last Days of Vatican II

Michael Matt

4 years

From the Editor's Desk, Michael J. Matt points out that the worst pro-abort politicians in the world are Vatican II Catholics. And now that the neo-Catholic compromise has failed to appease the world--with Cardinal Pell and other shepherds off to jail--Michael contends that we are in the last days of the Modernist Revolution in the Church, and that the only hope of the world is the traditional Catholic restoration. Plus, was the priesthood always corrupt, as so many revisionist historians contend? Michael takes a walk down movie memory lane to put the lie the Catholic-bashing claim that "it's always been this way." And, finally, Michael points out how the Modernist regime is intentionally destroying the old Catholic Church--the Church that built the greatest civilization in history--on purpose in order to make room for the New World Order. Please support Remnant TV.

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